3 Things you should stop worrying about

I am a worrier. I worry about good things and bad things. About things that happened and things that will happen. It’s part of my personality and I have been struggling with it ever since. I don’t think I will get rid of this part completely, but once in a while I like to remind myself of the things that I should not worry about. Especially when it’s a rough […]


Life // 19 Films You Should Or Should Not Watch

ENG // So spring has finally arrived, the sun is shining, the birds are singing – perfect for going out and enjoying nature! Not really your thing? Than this post is perfect for you! Since me and my boyfriend got a beamer AND a popcorn mashine this January we absolutely love to stay at home and watch some films. So here is a very long list with recommendations for you […]


Monthly Update Januar 2017 – Umzug und No Shopping Challenge

Wisst ihr was ich am Bloggen vermisse? Das Persönliche. Die kleinen Dinge aus dem Alltag! Deshalb gibt es heute einen kleinen Monatsrückblick – ganz Old School. New Beginnings Ich muss zugeben: das neue Jahr verlief bisher einwandfrei! Hinein gerutscht bin ich mit einem Debut-Konzert von Freunden und einer Hausparty mit selbst gemachten Burgern und selbst gebranntem Kaffeeschnaps – was will man mehr? Ein ganz entspanntes Silvester, ohne viel Schnick-Schnack und […]


Minimalism: My No Shopping Challenge 2017

ENG // Let’s talk about my new spontaneous new year’s resolution! The Challenge So you might already know that I’m kinda interested in living a more minimal life, because for me a minimal life equals less stress and more happiness. But until know I was not really practising it. I don’t spend as much money as I used to – but now and then I still buy random things that […]


2017 – New Year. New possibilities. Let’s do this.

2016 is over and it’s time for a review. So how was my 2016? I’m gonna answer straight forward: quite okay. Satisfying. Comme ci, comme ça. Maybe this sounds a little bit unhappy – pessimistic, negative – but that’s how I experienced it. 2014 was pretty fucked up. I’m sorry for swearing, but there is simply no pleasant way to describe that year. Relationships, break-ups, attempting to make new and […]
