Inspiration // 3 Good Youtubers You Should Watch #2

A long time ago I shared a post with some of my favorite youtubers on this blog. It’s still one of my most commented and appreciated posts, so I thought I’ll share some more (new) favorites with you! Again these youtubers promote a more laid-back or conscious lifestyle and cover topics like ethical living, second hand shopping or natural cosmetics. As you may know this is very important to me […]


Life // The Ultimative Festival Packing List

ENG // The festival season is finally here and in a few hours I’ll be on my way to Rock am Ring. Each year I have to plan everything precisely – so of course I have an ultimative festival packing list, which I want to share with you! I hope it is helpful for you and I wish you lots of fun with it! You can download an English PDF […]


Personal (Challenge 4/30) // My Dream Job – Jung, qualifiziert und arbeitslos?

Das heutige Thema meiner Blogging Challenge „Your Dream Job“ möchte ich gerne ein wenig anders interpretieren – ich möchte Dir nicht nur von meinem Traumjob erzählen, sondern auch davon wie es mir bei der momentanen Jobsuche ergeht. Mein Traumjob Ich glaube meinen Traumjob kann man nicht mit einem Begriff wie z.B. „Bäckerin“ zusammenfassen – es gibt viele Dinge, die mir gefallen und die ich mir vorstellen kann einmal zu machen. […]


Personal (Challenge 3/30) // My Favourite Quote

ENG // Do you have a favourite quote? I have to admit that I love quotes, aporisms and lyrics. But I don’t have a favourite quote – wether I like something or not depends on many things: the season, the weather, my day, my experiences, my mood, my feelings. All these things constantly change and so do I. To me a quote is always of a temporary nature. There is […]
